
Josiah's Fifth Blog

  AGENDA Take a minute Blog corrections  Week 19 Q.Q.S.L iReady Eoy Hw complete all makeup work. We walked into the class and put our chairs down and we sat down. Ms Nakada couldn't find a take a minute video so we wrote down our agendas and we wrote the quote "If you don't like something change it. If you cant change it change your attitude" by Maya Angelou. After that, we wrote down the question What is one thing you will take and one thing you will leave behind? After that, we started to work on the iReady diagnostic for the rest of class. Once the bell rang we pushed in our chairs and we left

Jairus' Fifth Blog

 Agenda take a minute blog-corrections week 18 quiz original oratories  HW complete all make up work Due Tuesday We walked in class, took out our binder reminders and wrote down the agenda. After we wrote down the agenda Ms. Nakada read us her original oratory. She let us get started on are original oratories and she said it has to be at least four hundred words. We finished class with the week 18 quiz. 

Bryan's Fifth Blog

 Agenda  take a minute  blog corrections week 18: QQSL Poetry Slam Prep HW: Prep for Poetry Slam iReady 40-45 minutes (2 lessons) last week We walked into class, put our chairs down, and took a minute. After that, Ethan read his blog and chose me to write the next one. Then, we took out our English notebooks and talked about the poem "The Laughing Heart" by Charles Bukowski. After that, we got into our groups for our Poetry Slam. After that, the fire alarm rang, and we packed up to go to the field.

Ethan's Fifth Blog

 take a minute blog corrections week 18: Q Q S L poetry slam prep HW: prep for poetry slam iReady  40-45 min (2 lessons) - last week We entered the room, lowered the chairs, wrote our agendas and took a minute. Afterwards, Ms. Nakada read Kaeden's blog to us and chose me for the next blog. Then, we wrote the song of the week titled "Forever Young" by Alphaville. Next, Ms. Nakada gave us some poetry packets. We would look for a group to work with or we could do the work on our own. The bell rang, and we went to the next class.

Kaeden's Fifth Blog

AGENDA take a minute  blog correction  week 18 Q Q S L Poetry Gallery Walk  poetry slam prep HW prep for poetry slam iready 40-45min 2 lessons We took a minute. It was about the acronym, RAIN, which is helpful if we are avoiding our feelings and instead scrolling through social media or watching tv as a form of escape. RAIN stands for: recognize, allow, investigate and nurture.  Kai read her blog and then picked Kaeden. Then, we did the quote and question:  "Awards become corroded. Friends gather no dust." Jesse Owens What awards/accomplishments can you include on college/scholarship applications?  Then we worked on our poetry submissions. 

Kai's Fifth Blog

  AGENDA take a minute  blog - corrections Week 17 Quiz Poetry Gallery Walk Homework: iReady 40-45 min. 2 lessons A.R. 100% We silently walked into the class room, and took out our binder reminders. While we were writing down the agenda, we started to watch our take a minute. Afterwards, we started working on our week 17 quiz then, started finishing up on our NaPoWriMo submissions. When we finished, we packed up and got dismissed to leave.

Kyree's Fifth Blog

Agenda take a minute blog corrections original oratories NaPoWriMo submissions HW: iReady 40-45 minutes (2 lessons) AR 100%   We all walk into class. I put down my belongings and write down the agenda for the day. As soon as I am done with the agenda, Xavier reads his blog. Once he was finished, he decided to choose me for the next blog. Today, we are going to learn about original oratories. As I am writing down the instructions on the original oratory, Ms. Nakada begins to read one of her own original oratories from 2018. Her speech was mostly about making ever moment count. After that, we began to write original oratories as well as finish  broadsides for our poems we made the whole month of April.